I told you I wouldn’t be able to quit. The Sketchbook Shirt pattern is just too good! online pharmacy buy zovirax no prescription online pharmacy This time I made Wallace two of the short sleeved versions of the shirt with the standard fold down collar. I used my one of my all time favorite prints,...
He’s the most perfect model. That chin! Very nice sewing. All those buttonholes aren’t easy ; )
oh this is too good!! bravo…you really worked your magic on these adorable shirts for wallace. the best dressed boy in florida!
We loved button-down shirts on my son when he was 1 because his head was just so dang big! It helps that they’re cute :)
How adorable is he! Those shirts are wonderful too ;). I love your choice of prints plus I particularly love the tortoise shell buttons paired with the animals. I have yet to sew anything from Liberty for my boy and now I’m wondering why on earth I haven’t!
He look so adorable!