I’m not entirely sure what made me think I should, or even that I was ready, to knit a sweater for Layla. However, when I saw the Bobble Yoke Sweater online pharmacy https://www.dentists4kids.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/levaquin.html no prescription several months back, I had the urge to make it. Like anything else I don’t know how to do, if...
Meredith! That is so awesome. I remember your first hats. You are a lovely knitter.
7 months ago I opened a yarn store. Lots of my customers are your age which I think is wonderful! Another top down sweater that is an easy knit is “flax” by Tin Can Knits. You can google that. It comes in all sizes and is free. I’m knitting a baby one now for a friend : )
Enjoy your knitting.