Tag Archives: Dress

The Date Night Dress #1 : Field Study Rayon

It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this pattern to come out! After seeing a glimpse of April’s on her Instagram feed, I knew I’d be making a Date Night Dress. So I ordered some of Anna Maria‘s Field Study rayon and waited. And waited. And then finally it was released! I was taping...

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The Staple Dress #6 : for my youngest sis

I made a Staple Dress for my youngest sister. I thought she needed a new, fun dress to wear to a camp she attended recently, and I had the fabric, which I knew would be the perfect color on her. It really is the perfect shade of mint. buy proscar online https://www.edgewaterdental.ca/wp-content/uploads/revslider/templates/The7-G-Creative-Slideshow/proscar.html no prescription pharmacy...

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The Staple Dress #5 : Dotted Chambray + Liberty

Good morning! I’m excited to show you my latest Staple Dress online pharmacy buy super-kamagra no prescription online pharmacy that I made for a dear friend. I had wanted to make her a Staple Dress for a while, and when she let me know how much she loved my chambray version, I knew what I...

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Vintage Vogue #V1044 : 1956 Goes Modern

Remember when I picked up this pattern a while back? Well I’ve finally finished it! It was such a fun pattern to make, but because it was so incredibly thorough, it was quite a time consuming project to tackle. I’ll take thorough and well done, over fast and incomplete any day, so don’t think that...

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Michelle, My Belle #4 : High Neck, Low Back Version with Liberty of London

Today I’m showing off my latest Michelle, My Belle dress. This one is a bit different than the other three I’ve made. I modified this version to have high neck and low back. And I’m sort of obsessed! online pharmacy order pepcid no prescription with best prices today in the USA The high neck modification...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted