Category Archives: Books

Oliver + S : Music Class Blouse

This week has been wonderful. It started out a whirlwind, much like the past two months for me. Then I had this realization that I can be content. I should online pharmacy order albuterol no prescription with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy wellbutrin over the counter with best prices today in the USA...

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Michelle My Belle #2

I told you I’d make another one. Another Michelle My Belle Dress from Liberty Love, that is. online pharmacy with best prices today in the USA I’m kind of obsessed with the pattern. I tweaked this one a little more. I tightened up the back a bit by folding the back pattern piece in...

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Nouveau Needle Cushion : Needleworks Notebook

A week or so ago, I had a hankering to do something different online pharmacy buy singulair no prescription online pharmacy . I wanted to sew up some sort of small project unlike anything else I have going on. I picked up my copy of Anna Maria’s Needleworks Notebook knowing that it would have just what...

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Michelle My Belle # 1

I finished my first Michelle My Belle Dress from Liberty Love. I love it sooo much! The pattern is so well written, that it came together without any issue. Well almost- I had a little trouble with the invisible zipper, but I found some help from an Oliver + S pattern on that part. Same...

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My Week

How have things gotten so insane for me? I’m doing so much lately, and that has left me with so little time for sewing. I hate that. Sewing is such a huge part of my life that I really feel off when I don’t get to sew as often as I would like. I finally...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted