Category Archives: Piecing

Practice Makes Perfect

If you are active on Instagram, chances are you’ve witnessed the mini quilt swap craze that’s going on. “Craze” is really putting the whole thing lightly. I managed to avoid it for a while, but I did carefully choose one swap, and was also invited to a very small private swap with some of the most...

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The Easter Things

Did you have a good Easter? We had a great time. Layla loves hunting for eggs and munching on sweets (though there’s some confusion about the bunny pooping out eggs and trick-or-treating which she has never actually done….) And Wallace just enjoys watching whatever Layla is doing and tries to keep up with her.  We...

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Opposite Attract Quilt : Cotton + Steel

I finally get to show you the finished Cotton + Steel Opposites Attract quilt top! This one is twin sized and will most likely be finding a home on Layla’s bed. I’m no even going to attempt to quilt it. I want it done soon, so I’ll likely send it out to the uber talented...

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HST Redux : the coaster tutorial

What to do with leftover triangle scraps? Make the world’s most useful scrap busting project: COASTERS! Use this free step by step photo tutorial!

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Finding inspiration for a new beginning

I was recently asked to be a part of the Traveling Threads Bee which is a small group of women who are mailing out blocks each month on a circuit. At the end of the year, the blocks and the additions made by the group will circle their way back to the original owners who...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted