Babies bring out the best

I was recently asked to make a unisex quilt for a not-yet-born baby. I was excited by the challenge to go gender neutral yet stay within my vibrant style. I don’t think the person who commissioned the quilt was concerned with the style as much as they were with gender neutrality, but it was important to me. 20150416-DSC_0064

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So here we are. I dug deep into my sacred Little Folks stash to piece together this voile top. Babies do need buttery soft quilts! 20150416-DSC_0066 20150416-DSC_0068 20150416-DSC_0076

I adore this fabric. It definitely won’t be open to commission in the future, but it did remind me I need to make some family quilts with these gorgeous, bold prints. 20150416-DSC_0069

The back of the quilt is a print from Juliana Horner, the daughter of the great Anna Maria who designed all the rest of the fabrics. I’m not an orange person. I’ve never owned an orange garment since I have red hair, and I’m just generally not drawn to the color. But man does it do all the right things here. It makes me want ALL of this fabric. 20150416-DSC_0071

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I did hand quilt this one, as you can see. It seemed only right. That and I’ve been sewing on Layla’s Hello Kitty machine for a couple of months now and there’s no way in the world I’m going to quilt anything on that machine.

The binding is a favorite of mine- its a voile print from Anna’s Innocent Crush collection. I’m trying to track down more of it for this very purpose, so if you know where I can find it, let me know! 20150416-DSC_0077

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I so loved putting together this quilt. I hope the little baby whom it was made for will cherish it for years to come. Quilts are really special in that way, don’t you think? They become so connected to our lives. My, what stories quilts would tell if they could talk!

Have a beautiful weekend!



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