Category Archives: Quilts

A New Chapter

Its high time I begin a fresh, new quilt for our bed. It’s not convenient and I don’t have extra time, but sometimes one must make time for special things!  The last quilt I made for our bed was back in 2012. I made Anna Maria’s Spinning Stars Quilt with her Innocent Crush collection. That...

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QAYG String Quilt : An Explosion of AMH

A few months ago I made some garments for Free Spirit’s booth at Quilt Market, and I chose to be paid in fabric. Wanting to put it to use right away rather than have it languish on my shelf, I immediately cut a host of strips from Loominous, True Colors, Mod Corsage, and Fibs and...

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Oh, December

You are the month that really got away from me. At least, mentally. December began with what was probably my most major commission of the whole year. It was a rush job that had to be in the hands of the intended recipient by the 13th of the month. This gorgeous quilt was commissioned by...

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Argyle Christmas Pattern (it’s free!)

FREE quilt pattern perfect designed for Christmas, but perfect for any season! Download the Argyle Christmas pattern here.

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The shared space : a work in progress

So many things happen in preparation for a new baby! And I swear each consecutive child has required more, not less, despite popular belief. We live in a two bedroom house and are about to be a family of five. Wallace is still in our room (I hate admitting that) because until just a few...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted