You are the month that really got away from me. At least, mentally. December began with what was probably my most major commission of the whole year. It was a rush job that had to be in the hands of the intended recipient by the 13th of the month. This gorgeous quilt was commissioned by...
Happy New Year, Meredith! I hope 2016 brings you blessings abound.
Hi Meredith! I just found your blog while looking for some inspiration for an Anna Maria Horner sleep sack I’m planning for my little one. Your work is gorgeous! Can’t see what you make for 2016. Many blessings for the New Year!
Wow Meredith you accomplished so much in December!! I so hope that 2016 brings you many blessings and that you’re able to find the perfect home for your growing wee family. Much love xx
Thanks for sharing your beautiful work! I hope things go well for your family in 2016!
Wow! The quilts are amazing. I had been waiting with baited breath to see the unveiling of the first quilt! Bravo!!!!