Category Archives: Pillow

The magical girl’s room

The last time I wrote in 2017, I mentioned that we had made a counter offer on a home and it was rejected. But thankfully we had a great realtor who refused to give up, and she fought tooth and nail to get a deal for us. We have been in our new house since...

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The Unicorn Pillows

Recently I was commissioned by a good client of mine to make some pillows for a friend of hers. She explained that her friend lost her 10 year old daughter to cancer, and that her daughter’s favorite things were unicorns and rainbows. She saw my Pegasus pillow and asked if I was up for the...

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Bostons on everything

I am a die hard Boston Terrier fan. I’ve had two dogs in my life, both Bostons, and I find them utterly and completely irresistible. In fact, even in tight financial situations, I find it so very hard not to purchase something with the image of a Boston. So it comes as no surprise that...

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Oh What Fun!

Today is my stop on the Hawthorne Threads Oh What Fun blog hop. I have been so excited to make some things to share with you because Christmas is my absolute favorite. My maternal grandmother was a direct descendant of Mrs. Claus, I am sure. She had a tree in every room in her house,...

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Pegasus Pillow Tutorial + Janome AMH M100 Review

I have been waiting to write this blog post for a while now! I’m so excited. Janome reached out to me two months ago to see if I would like to try out their new M100 machine, which is Anna Maria Horner’s limited edition machine. Without any hesitation, I agreed! I’ve been using Janome machines...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted