Category Archives: Pillow

The pillow that beat all

I was recently asked to make a bolster sized pillow based on these potholders I made which were based on the Orimono Pillow from Anthropologie from several years back.  I LOVE the look of this pillow- this style of anything really. Visually, I feel like its just a treat to the eyes. You can see...

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Practice Makes Perfect

If you are active on Instagram, chances are you’ve witnessed the mini quilt swap craze that’s going on. “Craze” is really putting the whole thing lightly. I managed to avoid it for a while, but I did carefully choose one swap, and was also invited to a very small private swap with some of the most...

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In Progress

Today I’m showing you some pillows I’m working on for a client. I’m making some simple quilted pillows in these fun blue prints, which I think have sort of a nautical style. I can’t wait to show you the finished pillows! Come back next week to see some other goodies I’m working on – a...

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Stash Additions

I was on a fabric buying hiatus for 5 months. That’ll do things to you. Especially when a zillion awesome things come out during that time. I’ve done what anyone would do, and have used my January to make up for lost time. I’ve gotten lots of Liberty additions from Alice Caroline Supply and Jones...

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Liberty of London + The American Gentleman = A Perfect Match

I have been so excited to share this project with you!! It combines two of my most favorite things: Liberty of London and a Boston Terrier! Using some of the brand new Spring/Summer 2014 Liberty lawn from Jones and Vandermeer and some felt from Maureen’s shop, I whipped up some Boston pillows. I quilted the...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted