Tag Archives: voile

More Oliver + S Maternity Style

I know I’ve said this before, but feeling good (and looking good) are a must for me while pregnant. And looking good does wonders in helping me feel good. I made my first maternity Oliver + S Swingset skirt a while back, and I wore it so often, I knew I needed another. So a...

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The precious quilt + a creative refresh

I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. I was losing steam on garment projects and just needed something to break it up and get me excited again. I think that just goes with the territory when I tend to binge sew certain items (ie, clothing, bags, quilts, embroidery….) Also, I’ve not been sewing...

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Babies bring out the best

I was recently asked to make a unisex quilt for a not-yet-born baby. I was excited by the challenge to go gender neutral yet stay within my vibrant style. I don’t think the person who commissioned the quilt was concerned with the style as much as they were with gender neutrality, but it was important...

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Opposites Attract QAL : Cut

buy priligy online priligy online generic We’re ready for step two in our Opposites Attract quilt along. Do you have your materials? Have you gotten the pattern? If so, you are ready to start cutting. Once you have determined your layout (using one of the diagrams provided, or from filling out your own using the...

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Opposites Attract Quilt-Along : Plan and Gather Materials

Today is the big kick off for the Opposites Attract quilt-along! Do you have your pattern? If not, you can download it from my shop online pharmacy purchase atarax without prescription with best prices today in the USA or from Pink Chalk Fabrics. To begin, you’ll need to choose what size quilt you would like...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted