I’m not entirely sure what made me think I should, or even that I was ready, to knit a sweater for Layla. However, when I saw the Bobble Yoke Sweater several months back, I had the urge to make it. Like anything else I don’t know how to do, if the desire is there, I’m going to try my darndest to make it happen.
I inquired if it would be okay to substitute the cashmere on the neckline for Purl’s merino Line Weight because a) I couldn’t afford cashmere and my six year old certainly can’t be trusted to not get whatever she wears stained (not to mention, I’ve never even owned cashmere), and b) I already had some heirloom white line weight left over from my Gradient Cowl. Since the rest of the sweater uses Purl’s Line Weight, the substitution was fine. I ordered some Green Turquoise
for the main color (which was on sale, score!), and finally got started two weeks ago.
My goal for this sweater was to have it ready to gift on Christmas. Even learning several new techniques, this has been a surprisingly fast project, so though the sleeves still need to be made, I can’t imagine them taking the next six weeks.
This is the first garment I’ve ever knitted. I started a year ago making hats, then graduated to cowls. This year I made my first blanket and now I’m working through my first garment. I’m loving the process of learning! I made my first neckline. I learned how to “make a left”, make bobbles, knit short rows to account for the higher neckline in the back, and even how to add stitches for the arm hole. I couldn’t have done any of it if it weren’t for the help of my gracious and patient friend, Sarah, who has been my midnight knitting buddy across the country. I’m so thankful for her teaching!
I’m so excited to get this soft, lightweight sweater finished. We are finally starting to get some cold fronts (ahem, highs of 75 instead of 90), so Layla will be able to wear it soon. I can’t wait to show you the finished product!
Meredith! That is so awesome. I remember your first hats. You are a lovely knitter.
7 months ago I opened a yarn store. Lots of my customers are your age which I think is wonderful! Another top down sweater that is an easy knit is “flax” by Tin Can Knits. You can google that. It comes in all sizes and is free. I’m knitting a baby one now for a friend : )
Enjoy your knitting.