Tag Archives: fabric

Shift-a-long : plan

It’s finally time for us to begin the Shift-a-long! We have a few things to go over today, including the big giveaway from our sponsors and this week’s assignment. But first things first!! Do you have your pattern? If not you can get your hands on it a few different ways. Alison Glass is running...

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A Challenge

Isnt it easy to get caught up in our tiny, little worlds thinking whatever challenge comes our way is a big deal? Isn’t it easy to think our perspective is real and thorough as long as we manage to keep a grasp on what we deem important?  Today I came home from volunteering and picked...

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My Growing Gathering

My Gathering Flowers quilt is growing. My first week yielded three blocks so I only have 33 to go.   online pharmacy buy kamagra-polo online no prescription  Rather than taking this quilt in phases like I would normally do (cutting all the fabric then piecing all blocks and so on), I’m planning and cutting each...

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Liberty goes to the Beach

If you’re a quilter (or crafter of any kind) you’ve probably had that person you’ve needed to make a quilt for for ages. My cousin came to visit years ago and fell in love with this quilt I made for my mom.   online pharmacy kamagra-polo for sale no prescription pharmacy  I knew he wanted...

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A New Chapter

Its high time I begin a fresh, new quilt for our bed. It’s not convenient and I don’t have extra time, but sometimes one must make time for special things!  The last quilt I made for our bed was back in 2012. I made Anna Maria’s Spinning Stars Quilt with her Innocent Crush collection. That...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted