Hello there! Its been quiet here on the blog, but I promise a lot has been going on off line. One thing I’ve finished this past week is my Centerpiece needlepoint pillow. (Note: The pictures for today stink. I had to edit them on my phone and they look way different on the computer. They...
Wow – the whole spread of pillows is just gorgeous! Good job! I may have to look into one of those kits.
The social climber print is being reprinted?
I just happened upon your blog in my quest of trying to decide which AMH kit I wanted to purchase. Your work is gorgeous! Did you order directly from her sight or do you have a store you prefer? Any direction would be appreciated. I’ve never done Needlepoint, but plenty of cross stitch. (I’m really a quilter, but definitely want to do more stitching.) just trying to find some good stitching sources.
I order all my needlepoint kits directly from Anna Maria’s shop! If you like cross stitching, you’ll love needlepoint. :)