It’s finally time for us to begin the Shift-a-long! We have a few things to go over today, including the big giveaway from our sponsors and this week’s assignment. But first things first!! Do you have your pattern? If not you can get your hands on it a few different ways. Alison Glass is running...
I found your quilt along through the Hawthorne Thread Newsletter. I love this pattern and the many many possibilities that come with color selection. I look forward to completing this with you!
Awesome!! I’m so excited you’ll be joining us.
Beautiful assortment of fabrics and darling quilt pattern. Color possibilities are endless.
The First thing I opened this morning, while the house is still quiet, was a Newsletter from Hawthorne Thread. They are one of my all time Favorites and have never been disappointed with anything I have found or purchased. I was absolutely the happiest person around! There they were, your “Shifting Beauties”! I have been trying to try some patterns that I have never tried before, and what better time than now! I have some very special people in my Family, Actually…lol…all of them, that I want to have something special! I get so busy making gifts for other’s or gifts that family member’s want for others, that they have received the short end. They, of all people deserve my best, full of Love and Hope for a wonderful, well, everything! Life doesn’t always comply with such wishes, and if I’m not there in person to give Hugs, they should have a part of me to Wrap Them in a Hug! I can’t wait to get started. I’m warming up my stiff fingers and will be ready to go! Thank you for bringing something a bit fresh and different, for me and those I deeply love!
Your comment is such an encouragement. Yes! Family are the most important, but it’s easy to deprioritize those who we feel we “have time” time to make for. I think you’ll love this pattern, and it’s a quick sew too! :)