We bought Layla a sewing machine for Christmas (the utterly adorable mint Hello Kitty Janome!). She had been wanting one for some time, and I hadn’t given her free reign on mine because its a lot of machine for a three year old, but she does sit on my lap and help me often. She...
Isn’t that precious! What a cute little machine she has : )
Enjoy passing on your creativity. It is a gift she will cherish when she’s older. I had my daughter in law over yesterday and she finished up her first quilt. She nearly squealed and is planning her next one . Wonderful
Its so exciting seeing creativity bloom in another person and witnessing the joy of accomplishing something new. I’m so blessed to have this opportunity to teach her!
totally adorable!!! LOVE it!
Really awesome. I recently started teaching my girls (3 and 4) to sew too. So far they haven’t worked the pedal because the one on my machine is hard to control. How is the pedal on the Hello Kitty? Did it take her awhile to get the pressure right? You’ve inspired me to let my older girl do a little more.