I am so excited to introduce to you my newest sponsor, DuckaDilly! I’ve gotten to know Lesley, the mastermind behind this beautiful Liberty shop through Instagram, and I’m just thrilled to be partnering up with her through Olivia Jane Handcrafted! She was kind enough to write up a little shop bio for me: It all...
If I’m lucky Ducky:), I would use gift certificate to get Rainbow Stash Pack. But other Liberty bundles are tempting me a lot too!
I am desperate to make a Wiksten tank out of Karter (A) from the Spring Summer 2015 collection. Selfish sewing is a million times more fun in a Liberty print!
I would buy some fat sixteenth scrap bundles. I think I could eek out a tiny Storybook Woods bonnet by Alicia Paulson out of each one!
Tana lawn! Building my stash to make a quilt!
Oh, I would love a fat quarter bundle so I could make a quilt for my baby girl! I love perusing this shop and dreaming of buying all the Tana lawn.
What a fantastic giveaway! I would buy yardage for some dress patterns I want to make. Or jersey for tee shirts.
Wow! I kept hitting the wrong buttons apparently-that is supposed to be I not in and an exclamation point not a question mark!!!!
Oh, that’s a difficult question — I’d be really torn between a larger cut for clothing and some FQs so that I can admire them as a stack. But for now, I’ll say a cut of the Wildflowers print for a top! Thank you for the amazing giveaway — fingers crossed!
If I won, I would choose a Liberty jelly roll to make a Fancy Fox quilt.
I would get a Libery bundle to add to my stash for EPP!! The classics are my favorites. It’s probably because my mother always bought my sister and I a smocked Liberty Lawn dress for our Easter dresses when I was growing up. Liberty Lawn was in my vocabulary before I even knew what it was! I still remember how soft they were!!
I’ve been collecting a stack of Liberty prints so I’d add to my collection for more variety!
I would purchase some Liberty, of course! I have yet to make that indulgence. :)
i think i would like to buy backing for my stampalong quilt…but if i were brave, id go for some fleece for a Linden sweatshirt I dont own a pattern for and doubt i have the skill to sew!!
That would be awesome! I’ve purchased from Duckadilly before! Love that shop! I would get those two tree prints you have in the first and second photos, and then possibly something else, too!
I love that Alice in Wonderland purple blue and green bundle!
Gah- how can I choose!? I would aim for something yellow (nice yellows are hard to find!) and definitely something for me (not greedy, just going to wear it longer than my 5 year old!). Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
What an amazing store – really hope I’m lucky! I think I’d choose a Jelly Roll in Soft Rainbow but it’d probably take me ages to finally decide!
I adore the rainbow stash and the cute tea/coffee fabric! thank you!
I would love a Tana Lawn jelly roll!
I would like a couple of the Stash Packs.
I love the Alice in Wonderland fabrics. I’d love to use them to make a wall quilt for my kitchen.
Patterns, and fabric, and bundles… Oh my!!!
You were right about getting lost in the goodness at DuckaDilly! I forgot what I had in mind when I went there! My current favorite would be NEW Liberty of London Tana Lawn Bundle: Alice in Wonderland Pinks. I just love the shades in this bundle.
I would purchase a Rainbow Stash bundle…and I think that would be just the first of many Liberty purchases! This fabric is so gorgeous and I would love to sew with it for my daughter.
I’d spend hours choosing just the right floral for a spring dress for myself!
I would buy my friend some liberty. Probably a floral print. I would have to get myself some Alice in Wonderland prints too. A must!
Oh my goodness!!! First I want to say that DuckaDilly is awesome!!! Every time I shop around I see so much that I could only wish for!!! The one bundle that caught my eye is Liberty Tana Lawn: Pink Stash Pack… But seriously, anything Liberty Tana Lawn would suit me perfectly!! Thanks for the chance!!
I would buy as much fabric as I can……
I think I’d have to add a bit of Liberty Tana Lawn: Rainbow Stash Pack to my fabric collection! The trims are also amazing!
So many gorgeous fabrics. I love the Liberty Tana Lawn: Grey Stash Pack. I love that you can pick fat 16th, fat 8th and fat quarter bundles.
Swoon! I just love Liberty. Your Liberty and leather pouches are beautiful. If I were the lucky winner I’d get the rainbow, aqua, and purple stash bundles. Thanks for this great giveaway and for your inspiring blog.
I would love to make a special blouse with Liberty of London someday.
Fabric to make my first quilt! And maybe a dress for myself … both firsts!
I would get some Liberty Lawn. Though, I might change my mind, there are so many beautiful prints.
Duckadilly’s beautifully-curated selection of Liberty lawn is amazing! If I was lucky enough to win this great giveaway, I’d indulge in buying a larger piece of Liberty to make a summer skirt. I’d love to use a novelty Liberty fabric like Growing Fonder, Manning, or Sandy Ray. Thanks for the chance!
I would get some stash packs!! I also love the teapot bundle!!
I would buy the Liberty Tana Lawn: Rainbow Stash Pack.
I would some gorgeous summer dresses with some fabric from this store.
I love the Alice in Wonderland bundle! Such gorgeous colors!
Some fabric for a new spring quilt!
I love all of the Alice in Wonderland fabric! I would definitely get the Suzy Elizabeth bundle and maybe a stash pack! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I’d buy the chambray in Capel in an instant!
Wow I love this fabric so much I would buy a stash pack or a Tana Lawn Jelly roll and then just pet it awhile.
I’d love to try some liberty jersey ! I love this one http://www.duckadilly.com/collections/liberty-of-london-dufour-jersey/products/liberty-of-london-dufour-jersey-xanthe-sunbeam-green
So many beautiful fabrics – who can choose?! :) I would use the gift certificate to buy some Liberty Tana Lawn – I’ve never splurged on Liberty and I would love to make a Wiksten Tank! Thank you, Meredith, for all the inspiration!
I’d use it to buy yardage for a southport dress from True Bias.
I’d love to add some larger pieces to my collection. I have a Shirt dress that I am planning to make that would just look spectacular with some Liberty trim on the Chambray.
Loved all the liberty fabric but liked the greens the most.
I would buy cotton fabric, most likely fat quarters, for sewing dresses for little girls in need.
Probably blue, purple & plum fat sixteenth stash packs :) Thanks for the chance to win!
I would definitely get a Liberty print in a summer colour way. I am planning to make a dress for a friends forthcoming wedding xx
I think I would buy any Liberty Tana Lawn I could get my hands on, especially some Betsy. I absolutely love DuckaDilly, so thank you for the chance to win! louisecake@xtra.co.nz
You want me to pick something I love and would buy? I’m sure it would be more than the gift card as I love the bundles. I would also have to have some Emily Clare in yellow, Tana Lawn in Lodden Green and Umbel Blue. They are sooooo pretty.
Ohhhhhh….I just love, love, love the fabric…first it was Juno…then I looked at the selections by color. I’m thinking a quilt just for ME!!! Just imagine… All those lovely flowers and lusciousness!
Thanks for introducing this lovely shop! I would purchase some lawn to make dresses for my little granddaughters! :)
I’d probably buy fabric for a quilt. I’m not familiar with Duckadilly.
Some fabric for my epp quilt!
First, what an awesome sponsor! That’s so great :)
If I won, I would buy some of the fat 16th packs and start making some hexies! I saw a really great project with them that I want to try out soon and gift! Thanks for the chance to win.
I would use my GC to purchase a Alice in Wonderland bundles. I love the fabrics in the latest collection!
A fat quarter bundle would’ve a wonderful starter for my next quilt…almost finished the current WIP.
Thanks for the chance.
I would buy Liberty. If I could find some of the Alice in Wonderland I would love that. Your bright spring selections would be lovely too.
I would love to get some coordinating fabric to add to some that I bought on my first trip to London. Thanks for the giveaway!
If I was lucky enough to win this gift certificate, I would get a Soft Rainbow Jelly Roll!
I love DuckaDilly! I have been collecting Liberty fabric to make a large quilt, so I’ll be buying Liberty fabrics. Thanks!
If I am the winner I would buy some beautiful Liberty bundles that I have been eying. Thanks for giveaway.
I would LOVE to purchase liberty fabric from DuckaDilly!
i would love to get some liberty of London maybe a rainbow stash pack
I’d get some F16 bundles–I love the blue and purple–and maybe some bias tape.
I think I’d choose one of her “jelly rolls”. I actually get butterflies thinking about it!!!! . I’m dying to come to Ann Arbor and visit! My brother lives in Dexter and dying to visit so I can SHOP!
Just enough fabric to see up a gorgeous summer dress for my ten year old girl. And perhaps something complimentary for me. Thank you both
Fat quarter stash building for me. I’m making a scrappy Liberty star quilt and am always in need of a few more fabrics to add to it!
Awesome give away! I would get a rainbow stash bundle, maybe the Alice in Wonderland, and make a mini quilt to hang in my niece’s nursery (she’s due this fall).
I’m finally ready to make my first quilt and I can’t wait! I’m hoping to gather more liberty fabrics.
I would buy a fat quarter as a gift for my daughter!
I think I would LOVE to get a few of the color bundles–my go to colors are blues and grays, but I may have to throw in some other colors too.
I would put the gift card toward a F8 Stash Pack in Yellow, a F16 Stash Pack in Aqua, and a set of the 2.5 inch Squares in Pink. I would add in extra money to also get a F8 Stash Pack in Grey. These would be a great addition to some fabrics I have set aside to make a quilt for myself. Thanks for a great giveaway DuckaDilly and Meredith!
I would definitely pick some of that teapot fabric; my favorite by far!
Love all the liberty!!!!! A liberty quilt in the Rainbow bundle would be great!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I’d like to get some of their gorgeous “Liberty of London Tana Lawn: Juno’s Garden (C)” Fabric! Thanks and God bless!
I would love to get my hands on a couple yards of Strawberry Thief Tana Lawn…perfect for a summer tank. Thanks for the chance!
I would love some Tana Lawn!
What a generous giveaway! I’m not sure what I’d do! A top for me or something for one of my girls?
I would buy a Jelly Roll or a bundle of blues and greens to make a baby quilt for my little boy coming in June! (The pattern with 16 patches alternated with solids in Liberty Love!)
I love DuckaDilly! I’d use the gift card to another soft rainbow jelly roll!
I would use the beautiful fabric for my crafts that I make. They are so different and unusual!
I would like to have the Liberty Tana Lawn Pink Stash Pack.
I would love to win! i think i would use it to make my daughter a dress or skirt! thank you for the chance to win!
I would love to buy some gorgeous fabric to make some quilts.
What an amazing giveaway! I’ve browsed DuckaDilly several times, but I’ve never purchased from them…. That might have to change soon :)