Tag Archives: Chambray

Puppet Show Shorts and a Liberty Tank

As much as it stinks to watch Layla grow up, it does present a perfect opportunity to sew her new clothes. Yep. Glass half full. I really didn’t love sewing separates for her when she was smaller, simply because I thought dresses were cuter on her. Now that she’s bigger (4T-ish), I think shorts and...

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The Sally Romper : Part II

I did finish three garments since my last post, though I had planned to blog about them sooner. But I’m going with the new flow around here, which seems to be steadily getting back to a more normal pace. Nap times seem a bit more predictable, so I am beginning to make cleaning and sewing...

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A Nani Iro Quilt for Layla

Thank you so much for your congratulations for Wallace! Its hard to believe its already been more than two weeks since meeting our little man for the first time! I was also glad to have it reiterated that the red-head thing is real, so thank you for that. In other news, I made Layla a...

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Liberty + Chambray Sleepsack

Have you seen this Lua Sleepsack Ashley made? As soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew my baby would need one. So I pulled out two of my go to fabrics, Liberty and Robert Kaufman chambray, purchased the pattern buy cymbalta online buy cymbalta online no prescription , and got to work. What...

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Enabler Alert

Emily over at Jones and Vandermeer has just gotten in a shipment of Liberty! She chose some really gorgeous prints from their new Classics line. I’m currently on a spending freeze not only because I’m finishing up paying bills for baby, but also because some really great person decided to steal my debit card and...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted