Tag Archives: Chambray Union

Aviary Floor Quilt

I think its safe to say I’m nesting. I wake up tired, but get going anyway because I have a four year old who will stand there and tap on me until I’m up. Shortly after getting up, I’m tired and in need of rest. Then something happens in the evenings and I kick into...

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Custom Quilt!!!

After even more blog silence, I’m back with a brand new quilt to show off. And this is a quilt like I’ve never made before. Not only is the palette a brand new one for me, but this quilt has so many other aspects to it that were virtually uncharted for me. I do so...

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Myrtle the Turtle

Today I’m showing you Baby’s first toy. This pattern online pharmacy lexapro online with best prices today in the USA came from the Purl Bee, and it is utterly precious. Myrtle the Turtle is made with Kaufman Chambray (which I need a whole bolt of!), a favorite Liberty print, and a beautiful gray wool felt...

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Quick Change Trousers for Baby

I’m finally sewing for Baby! Its hard for me not to have him on my brain constantly these days now that he’s almost constantly kicking or dancing or poking in my belly. While boy sewing doesn’t seem to hold nearly the variety of girl sewing, nor does most of it seem as exciting, I’ve known...

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Oliver + S : The Badminton Dress

The alternate title to this post is : “The Many, Many Expressions of My Three Year Old” You’ll see why before too long. A few weeks ago, I found myself browsing Heather Ross’ new line, Briar Rose. I admit I was not immediately captivated by the line like so many others. But after seeing post...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted