Tag Archives: bag

Art Student Tote : Full Size Version in Linen

I love making things for my sister. When I got a peek of this fabric a few months ago, I knew I had to get my hands on some. I didn’t know what I would make at the time, but when you have a sister who has been obsessed with horses since popping out the womb, you...

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Right Turn Bag : Homage to Anna Maria

I have been wanting to make this bag for months! I’ve checked the Janome + Anna Maria site almost daily waiting for its debut. Last week, when Pierette announced that the pattern was up, I dropped all plans, and focused entirely on the Right Turn Bag. It was such fun to pull fabrics and ribbons for...

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Art Student Tote

I’ve been using a tote from Target as my everyday bag for quite some time. It used to be a lovely mustard color, but is blue tinted now thanks to my super dark jeans that dye everything they come into contact with. Besides its generally ratty appearance, the button ripped right out of it, rendering...

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I’ve had these fabrics sitting on my shelf for quite a while now. I purchased them to make new bags for Boca Grande Outfitters, but I’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike. Not being one to dive into something without a plan, I’ve thought and thought about what I want these fabrics to become. That’s...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted