Where have I been, anyway?

I suppose I should come clean about where I’ve been for a week now. First I was just in the zone- planning and sewing the many major projects I have due before the end of the month. I’ve been trying to be extremely diligent in handling my sewing responsibilities. I want them to be well done, and finished in a timely manner especially since all the ones I’m working on are for other people.

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So fast forward to Monday. I’m feeling awesome because I am getting stuff done. All of the packages I was expecting Saturday wouldn’t arrive until Tuesday because of President’s Day, so Monday was the day to check off what I could do! That is until I was sewing a seam, and BAM. My machine just dies.

Completely, totally dies.

So that’s where I’ve been and that’s where I’m at. Monday was the worst day I’ve had on record in a long time, mainly because of the way I reacted to everything that happened. I’m praying a new machine will be provided, because I’ve picked up work on Layla’s Hello Kitty machine. Its a darn good little machine, but its a starter machine, and I have major projects going that require an awesome, heavy duty machine.


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Layla’s machine is fairly noisy, so I can’t use it while anyone is sleeping. So thanks to Layla asking me a bajillion times a day to teach her to knit, I’ve been practicing it myself so I can pass along what I learn. I bought some cheapo skeins at JoAnn’s yesterday, and marching to the beat of my own drum [in true Meredith style], I just started knitting/purling with both colors and I’m kind of loving the peppered look. I’m not following any pattern- just going. And if the yarn makes it far enough, I suppose this will turn into a scarf of sorts.


Thank you for bearing with me. I cannot say enough about this absolutely wonderful crafting community. Both friends and strangers have offered to lend me machines, and I’m just so touched. I really have no words for the generosity of this community. A friend of mine is going to allow me to use her machine temporarily, but please pray that something happens and I can get a new machine. I’ll keep you updated!


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