
So it’s Wednesday. I’ve been doing a lot today. First, I tackled the weeks worth of dishes that was taking over my kitchen. I hate doing dishes!!! After that I did a little work from home. Then Layla and I went to swimming lessons. She was not cooperating, but the lifeguards were kind enough to work with her one on one after the other kids were done with their lesson. I never thought my kid would be that kid

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, but alas, even the good kids have hard times with obedience. She is fiercely independent. Like her mother.

When we got home, the two of us decided we should try to weed our yard. I should note here that our whole yard is made up of weeds. There is no grass. Even though I’ll just be looking at dirt once the weeds are gone (if that ever happens) the weeds just need to go. Maybe our landlord will give us grass once they realize all the green that was there were weeds. :) Here’s the pile of weeds so far. I had to stop because I kept blacking out.

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I’ve always wanted to be able to garden, but I’m that person that has the ability to kill any plant. My neighbor with a green thumb helped me plant some geraniums. I was drawn to them because they look similar to hydrangeas, which are my most favorite flower but do not grow in Florida even for people who can keep anything alive. I’ve managed to keep the geraniums alive for nearly a month. Maybe I’m having a turn around? I do hope they will live!! The picture is super off color because the sun is so bright.

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Layla and I have also been working on casting on. My very sweet friend put together this knitting kit after finding out about Layla’s interest in learning to knit. She (my friend) is a knitting genius, so I’m thrilled to be able to learn from her! She sent the most beautiful yarns for us to work with. Here’s the latest look at our progress.

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Layla’s attention span is super short, so we work on it here and there. This is our fifth attempt which is far more even than our other practice sessions. We’re improving!

I’ve also had this dress on my mind.


I bought the pattern and I’m thinking of using some of my Field Study rayon challis. I need to made a muslin first, because I may have to go bigger on the bottom half of the dress. I’ll keep you posted on that!

Last but not least, I’ve gotten back to my “Layla” embroidery. Its become my handwork project since finishing my Centerpiece needlepoint and the Feather Bed quilt. I’m working on finishing up the “Y” which will hopefully happen tonight. Then I only have the “l” and the last “a”! I really should have finished these ages ago.

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Thank you so much for all your kind comments about my Feather Bed quilt! Many of you expressed interest in a cutting tutorial. I’ll have that up by the end of the week, so check back soon!

Have a beautiful evening!



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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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