The Setting Sun

As the sun sets on 2014, I’m in a reflective state. I’m sure many of us are, as the expected end of anything often brings on waves of pensiveness, trepidation, and even dreams of things to come. I can’t help but think back on years past as the time had come for one year to end and another to begin. In 2010 I looked forward with excitement to Layla’s first birthday. In 2011 I felt emptiness, loss, and weariness following the loss of our second child. 2012 came, and I felt much of those same feelings, but also a bit defective having not been able to conceive another child. 2013 brought the beautiful joy of new life, and we even found out Wallace was boy right before the year’s end.

2014 has just been a beautiful adventure. So many things have happened, I like to think when I look back on this year, I will remember it’s many aspects. Most notably, Wallace joined our family. He is such a blessing to us, and we love growing to love and know him more everyday. More than that, I love the way he has transformed all of us. He took our hearts and blew them up a few sizes. He has made me a more well rounded mother. I never knew firsthand how different it could possibly be to parent two children borne of the same parents. Night and day!20140520-DSC_0086


He made Justin father to a son, a relationship that is already quite special. Wallace couldn’t have Justin more tightly wound around his fat little fingers.20141113-DSC_0022

But, perhaps what he has done in Layla’s life is most spectacular to me. She is not around other children much, and almost never sees a child younger than herself. But the moment she met that boy, she was his best friend. His guardian. His favorite comedian. I can’t even think of the two of them without my heart welling up, and threatening to overflow with pure joy and gratitude. God surely gave me beauty and fullness, where I had one time thought I would only have emptiness and sorrow.


2014 brought with it significant growth here on the blog. Many more of you have followed along with my sewing adventures, and I was given the great blessing of sponsorship with Jones and Vandermeer.

20141019-DSC_0008 With that came lots of fabric purchases!

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I published a pattern, which you will be seeing a whole lot more of in 2015.


I made lots of clothes- many out of a desperate attempt to find something to wear while breast feeding.

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Several quilts were made.

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And I did embroidery and other crafts.

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One of my greatest joys of 2014 was teaching Layla how to sew. She made her own quilt.

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She even started making sawtooth stars for her next quilt.

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While I did not spend as much time here as I would have liked, looking back I feel that’s its been a productive year. I feel that I’ve grown as a wife and mother, but also as a crafter. I have learned new techniques, and sharpened old ones. I’ve made for myself, but I’ve also been given the enormous privilege of making for others. I cannot emphasize the fulfillment I receive when making for others. Whether its in the form of a gift or a custom item, its incredible sending a bit of myself to go live elsewhere.

I want my last post of this year to end with my gratitude to you. If you are here, whether you’re a long time reader or a new one, I am so thankful for you. Thank you for reading through these posts and commenting. I love knowing I’m not alone here. Thank you for allowing me to share not only crafty things with you, but the other parts of my life that shape me into who I am. Thank you for allowing me that transparency. Thank you for your words of support and encouragement.

I have big dreams for 2015. I don’t know what it will hold, and while I’m not dreaming of anything specifically because my life truly does seem so perfectly full, I love the thought of sitting back and enjoying where it goes. I’m resolved to do just that in the coming year. I don’t want to look back at 2015 with regret, wishing that I had taken the time to slow down and enjoy the moment I’m in. I want to cherish each one of those moments as they come, as many as I’m given. I’m resolved to live each day to its fullest- to stop what I’m doing and be a mother in the moment when my children need me, to savor each stitch I make for the creativity of it, and not because of a self-imposed imaginary deadline, to be that encouragement to someone else in the way that I have been so encouraged. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart!


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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted