I think we can all relate the life things not going as we hope, plan, or expect. I suppose looking at it optimistically, one would point out that the unexpected things are what make life interesting and help us to grow. I didn’t plan to ever spend eight weeks apart from my best friend and...
Great post, Mere! The dress is darling, and it’s great that you have a open heart to hear your daughter, even after you went through the time, energy and cost to make it. I appreciate and am personally encouraged in my own motherhood by your candor.
I love this post. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that the best lessons in life are often learned the hard way…so thank you for the reminder!
I am very encouraged by your post. I am just getting ready to make my first blog post. During the sermon on Sunday a very important point was made: “Flaunt your imperfections” None of us are perfect!