Wallace shall hereafter be referred to as the Lady Killer. I’m just going to go ahead and warn you: this is a picture filled post. I hope you don’t mind too much. online pharmacy buy abilify online cheap pharmacy I have no clue what’s on Layla’s teeth, but I think Papa gave her candy. He...
What beautiful photos! Very sweet. He has my thighs–just sayin
lol! He definitely doesn’t get those from his father… ;)
He is so handsome Meredith with those killer blue eyes and delicious cheeks!! Such a happy boy too! You’re obviously doing an awesome job!!!!
You’re so sweet, Lara! Thank you. :)
baby bandana! great idea for a bib…i hadn’t thought of that before :)
Oh he is so cute! Those chunky legs are precious. Did you make up your own pattern?
There’s a tutorial on the Purl Bee which I loosely used. I changed the size to make it smaller and used velcro instead of snaps.