Surprise of the Summer

At the start of the summer, in the midst of a whole lot of life, we were given the most wonderful surprise! 

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 What a refreshment this little babe has been in this tough season of life we find ourselves in! He or she is expected to make an appearance in early February. Layla couldn’t be happier, but has let me know she would like a sister because “she doesn’t need another screaming brother, but a brother would be alright.” 

 I have to tell you, after losing our second daughter and going through two and a half years of unexplained infertility before finally conceiving Wallace, this child is such a welcome gift! There was no pressure of trying, no months of tears and heartache- just this overwhelming joy that comes with new life. We are so thankful.

I won’t babble on about it and get sappy on you, but I am so excited to share our newest addition with you!

Have a gorgeous day!


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