Something new

The thing I really love about sewing/knitting/crafting is that there is always something new to learn. You could choose never to repeat a project and you wouldn’t run out of options. I think that’s why it appeals to both adventurous people and those who like to stick to their routine once they learn a particular skill. I love that I’m never bored. 

One new thing I tried recently was knitting a garment, more specifically, a sweater for Layla. I used Purl Soho’s Bobble Yoke Sweater in the kid’s size 6. My only complaint is that you have to buy each size grouping separately, which will deter me from purchasing my size. I think it would have been great to have the sweater pattern for $9, and then have the option of adding another size grouping for maybe $3. 

The pattern is well written and contains great pictures. Having never made another garment I was able to catch on fairly quickly. I did reach out to some seasoned knitters for clarity at times! I’m so thankful the crafty community is always quick to help! 

I used Purl Soho’s Line Weight in Green Turquoise, I think. I paired it with their Heirloom White because my child does not need cashmere! It would be a disaster waiting to happen. Also I’ve never even owned cashmere, so…. 

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It’s so very soft. It’s the most scrumptious garment she’s ever had by a long shot. I knew I was going to have to use soft yarn if I wanted her to wear it because she is a major softness critic. When she was a newborn a family member tossed away my quilt I had made her and replaced it with one of those awful fleece-y throws you get at WalMart or Target. From that day she has used those and it makes me cringe inwardly. When she was one or two she would sit at the washer and cry until the blanket came out. So believe me when I tell you this sweater had to be cloud candy for her to even consider wearing it. 

When I got the yoke done, she found it and declared it to be the softest ever, so I as instantly thrilled. You just don’t know what that feeling is like when your kid thinks something you did is the best. After that, she kept close tabs on my progress so she would know as soon as it was finished. 

I did make some small changes. I lengthened the body by 1/2″ and I lengthened the sleeve by 1/2″. She is skinny but long, and I really should have added another inch to the sleeves to make them just right. Hindsight. 

After taking some time out to make bags (because, income), I finished the second sleeve and hid the ends. She found it in the morning and was just tickled! 

I’m thrilled with it. I feel great about learning something new, and am excited to maybe tackle a sweater of my own one day! This one is certainly not perfect, but it feels like an accomplishment all the same. 

It fills me with joy that she has repeatedly asked to wear it and has protested taking it off. I hope it will be taken care of. I had great fun making it! 

Do you have any go to knit garment patterns? I’ve been looking at some. Brooklyn Tweed patterns that look like things I would wear. I’d love to hear about any you love or don’t care for! 

Ps- a massive thank you to my sister, Emilee

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, for these amazing pictures. She is so talented! 


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