Radio silence and a fall finish

I dropped off the earth for a few weeks. Probably a better way of putting it would be that our world was shaken, but so it goes, and life will go on. We made a swift and entirely unexpected move within just a couple of days and have been getting settled into a new spot. It’s been rough, but not insurmountable. Anyway, all of that is to say that’s why it’s been quiet around here and why you didn’t get a warning. I didn’t know either.

Fall is here! Here in the Smokies I’m told it’s been an unseasonably warm few weeks, and while the temps have crept higher than they’ve been for much of the summer, it’s still cooler than Florida during most any part of the year. It would be February before we got temps like this in Florida. But the color! Oh, the color is divine. Our first Fall is not disappointing. Some have said the dryness will probably make Fall pass quickly, but I hope it will last. It could not be more lovely. The children and I have found ourselves plucking leaves off the ground almost daily like they are the most lovely of flowers.

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We are temporarily in a studio apartment, and since the kids go to bed at 7:30, the lights are out for the night at that point. While the husband is thrilled to go to bed at that time too, it’s a really long and dark few hours before I can fall asleep. So I picked up a knitting project I could do by the light of the closet and finished yesterday. I made Layla a hat with some alpaca yarn I purchased when I went to Vermont this summer. I haven’t been terribly inspired to knit lately with the warm summer weather, but as soon as the cooler weather came and leaves were on the ground, I got that urge.

This yarn is so soft. I spoiled myself by making my first knitting projects with pure animal hair fibers, and this beautiful alpaca has convinced me of what I already know: I cannot possibly use a man made synthetic. I don’t think it could compare to the softness and warmth of animal hair/wool.

This blue is Layla’s favorite color. I was delighted when I spotted it, and knew it would be a winner with her. Turns out this sweatshirt from Target is also a winner. She needed you to see how the mermaid sequins change from green to black. I want one too!

I ordered some poms from UTrimming on Etsy last week. I had previously purchased a fox tail Pom from them, and it was so soft and pretty, I wanted to get some more poms for hats I’m making my family this season. Layla really likes this one in grey, so it had to top her new hat.

Simple projects have a way of kick starting creativity in me. I’m so thankful for that. I had been feeling so low and frustrated and helpless, but finishing something useful and lovely has helped. I fell behind on some projects I had started, but I’m glad to be at a place where I feel like I can give them my best again. Slowly but surely, right? When life gets shaken up, we just have to take care of priorities and then start to set everything else back into a new normal and be content with the change. Why is that so much easier to say than do?

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Today we are headed to our first real Fall festival. We will pick pumpkins and do a corn maze and a hay ride. It’s going to be awesome! I am getting started on Teddy’s hat on the way there and back, so I’ll be sharing that with you soon. I also received some seriously gorgeous fabric from a friend so stay tuned for some more garment sewing and a few quilt finishes. I’ll also be making a limited run of my signature pouches and knitting bags with Liberty and cork, so watch for those too! They always go quickly when the holidays are close.

I hope this post finds you well.


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