I have been one busy lady these past few weeks! I made a quilt top for Alison Glass, for an upcoming pattern. I’ll keep you posted on that! Also, I’ve been working on a major room redo for Layla. That has kept me crazy for the most part. But more excited crazy than crazy crazy. You know what I mean, I’m sure.
So far I’ve done painting, which looks AWESOME. I’ve also made her some new bedding, which is also AWESOME. I’m dying to show you, but I’m wanting to do a big reveal. I thought that would happen tomorrow, but alas, I’m waiting on a package that will be a day later than I hoped. That package contains the fabrics I’m missing so I can dig into this stack of 3.5″ squares.
I’m really not good at waiting. I’m learning to be better, though, because I’ve come to realize that I have zero choice in most things.
And another stack of squares awaits a single fabric. These are my Field Study linens waiting to be made into a picnic quilt. A sweet friend is sending the missing fabric, so I’m watching my mailbox for that one. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow!
Though the waiting is a pain, I’m very happy to have a head start on both of these projects just because the cutting is already as done as it can be. Also on the agenda for August are full length blackout drapes for Layla’s room, a quilt to be paired with Layla’s new bedding (the quilt hanging on Anna Maria’s wall, actually), a dress in some brand spanking new Alison Glass fabric, and more! I’m so excited to share all these fun things with you.
Thanks for bearing through the silence these past few weeks!
Can’t wait!!!