Portrait of my day

I’m so happy to be able to have a day to fit in a little bit of selfish sewing. I thought I was going to lose my sewing mojo after yesterdays Crafters for Courage auction. My quilt went for $250 which after the cost of materials put my hourly rate at a whopping $2. That hurt. Like a lot. I didn’t care that I wasn’t actually making anything. After all, I donated for a reason. But I went big thinking the girls would get a big return from it.

Determined to do something to get my mind off of my feeling of worthlessness, I woke up this morning ready to accomplish something. Because the truth is, most of the world has zero clue what goes into anything that’s handmade. Most of the time when I sell something I don’t make what I could doing a minimum wage job. That’s why I don’t sell many ready made things. I much prefer to do custom work where I get sought out because, presumably, that means whoever it is that wants a handmade item already knows that they like my style and the quality of the work I do.

Anyway, that was a giant rabbit trail, but I’m getting back into what I love today for the purest of reasons: because I love sewing, and I love the result, and I appreciate my own work. That sounds incredibly selfish, but who better to understand the work than the person doing it? I’m finishing up the tunic

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for Layla that I cut yesterday, and I’m starting on new dresses for me and Emilee.

Emilee’s is a brand new dress style I’m trying out in this gloriously soft Cotton + Steel lawn from Jones and Vandermeer

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Mine will be made with these favorite prints from Juliana Horner. Mine will be similar to this Liberty dress

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I made a few weeks back.

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What are your thoughts on buying and selling handmade? Do you sell? Do you actually charge for the amount of work you’re doing, or do you tend to sell yourself short? I’d really love to know. I’m struggling to understand how anyone that is willing to undercut themselves can feel good about the work they’re doing. No judgment here. Just want to understand your perspective!

Have an amazing and fulfilling weekend!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted