Planning, Planning

I have a whirlwind of a week happening here. Between trying to finish up two quilts (hand quilting one, machine quilting another), and preparing to head out of town for a few days, I’m feeling a little swamped. Excited, though, not overwhelmed.

Today I’m thinking about a twin size Opposite Attract quilt. I wanted it to be done by now, but other things keep jumping to the top of my To Do list. I’m sure you know how that is.


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I’m trying to be realistic about completing things so I’m not let down when they aren’t finished right away. I have this quilt drawn up, and I think its going to be a stunner with all this Cotton + Steel goodness, so its worth waiting a little longer. Also, I want to enjoy the process, and if I have too many things going at a single time, it tends to spiral toward chaos and seem much less like a thing I enjoy. And I love my sewing time. I don’t want to compromise it!


Speaking of Opposites Attract

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, the planned release date is MONDAY!!! Are you ready for it? I have one more version to show you before then, and if you love it half as much as I do, it will leave you gushing!


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Back to the topic of planning… this book came out like a year ago in the UK. Turns out you can’t just hop onto Amazon and order a book that’s released in another country. They changed up the cover, and finally

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made it available on this continent. Its called The Liberty Book of Simple Sewing, and its just that. Its filled with easy sewing projects for around the house such as a lampshade, a doll, placemats, and quilts. Of course all the projects are done in Liberty, so if nothing else, its a book full of fabric eye candy. :) I’m planning on making the Libby doll with Layla as a special just-the-two-of-us project. We don’t do enough of that these days.

I’d love to know, from those of you who have children, what do you do for “special time” with your little ones? How do you purposefully set aside time for that? I find that I do have to be very intentional about that time with Layla or it just doesn’t happen. Because there’s always sewing to do. I always have dishes and laundry piling up. Things just come up, so I have to just ignore all those things (and let’s admit it, the housework is easy to ignore), and spend time with my girl. What are your thoughts?


Full disclosure: Links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you purchase, I will get a few cents toward the purchase of a book. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted