off the grid

My January has pretty much been the complete opposite of what I had envisioned. I mean, hello! We’re 22 days in and this is my first post? NOT remotely close to what I had intended. You see, I think October – December were so insane, and I overworked myself so much that I’ve been experiencing a case of burnout. No matter what I start, I can’t seem to fight my fatigue to finish it, whether it be prepping the house for the baby or knitting or sewing. I’ve tried to fight off this burnout because its not the way I operate. I really hate the feeling, to be honest. I love finishing things and making bunches of stuff!

This past week I managed to make three knitted hats and finish a whole cloth double gauze + lawn quilt for the baby. I think those things have helped my mindset get back to the right place. Or I am at least moving in the right direction. With only about two weeks left until the due date, I’m feeling a crunch to get some things crossed off my list- like making and sending all those Christmas presents for my friends that didn’t make it in time.

I thought today I would try to get back into the groove of things and show you my knitting projects from the past month or two. This is a craft I have fallen so hard for, and I cannot seem to put down! I have been having the best time learning new skills and techniques, but my favorite part is perhaps just being able to play with such beautiful, high quality fibers!

I made Layla and my mom Honey Cowls with some yarn from Miss Babs that was gifted to me from a friend. This is the project that taught me how to slip stitches. 

    The next project I took on was certainly the most major one yet- the Classic Cowl from Purl Bee. I think I saw the word “classic” and thought simple. And though it turned out to be very straightforward, it kept me thinking the whole time. I learned how to do Fluffy Brioche, and I just love the stitch! I’m really excited to make another project (perhaps this same one) with the technique. This cowl was gifted to my sister at Christmas. 

    I had purchased several skeins of Purl’s Line Weight in hopes of making their Gradient Cowl

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. I assumed it would take me a few months to make it and was perfectly content to make it my evening project until further notice. My parents gave me the needles I needed for the project on Christmas, and I started it the same day. Boy, did it go faster than expected! I had so much fun with this project, I just couldn’t put it down for a moment. I think I had it finished in nine or ten days. I’ve worn it many, many times and I love it so much! I would love to have another in a different spectrum of colors. 

 I’ve made a start, and am actually about halfway finished with the Beautyberry Blanket for the new baby, but I have to order the rest of the yarn needed before I can complete it. Again, this project is teaching me a whole new set of skills, and I’m loving the process of learning. I’ll have to show you the finished work soon! 

 And to finish things off, here are the three hats I made this week.

The first is a striped Merino hat for a little girl that lives in a much colder climate than we have here. 

 The next two are Friendly Fair Isle hats for Wallace and Layla. Wallace decided he does in fact like one hat, so I thought I would attempt to give him a second that is a bit more neutral. I’m thrilled he’s taken to it, and that they both have new hats to wear in what we consider cold weather. The temperature just has to dip down into the 60s for my kids to throw on pants and long sleeves and every piece of outerwear they can find. Even though much of the country would consider that balmy, its certainly low enough for me to know all these knitted items will get plenty of love this season. 

    Thanks for stopping by! I’m sorry for my absence, and I’m hoping to be back to normal straight away!


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