Nouveau Needle Cushion : Needleworks Notebook

A week or so ago, I had a hankering to do something different

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. I wanted to sew up some sort of small project unlike anything else I have going on. I picked up my copy of Anna Maria’s Needleworks Notebook knowing that it would have just what I was looking for. Her Nouveau Needle Cushion fit the bill perfectly. I have another needlepoint project going on, but with this being so much like a sampler with so many different stitches, it was different enough to be perfect.

Nouveau Needle Cushion

The stitching took a minimal amount of time. Many of the stitches cover large amount of space, so the canvas quickly filled up.

Nouveau Needle Cushion back

I chose my colors from a few different places. I used all Anchor tapestry wool in some form or another from Anna Maria. I used some wool left over from her needlepoint kits, and the rest of the colors are from her Luscious Leaves and Particularly perfect wool palettes available in her shop.

Nouveau Needle Cushion 2

I did stitch the bottom side a little different than the pattern in the book- partly because I didn’t have enough of each color to do things exactly like the one in the book, and partly because I just wanted a different look.

Nouveau Needle Cushion 3

Blocking the piece was easier than I expected. I did not expect the amount of unraveling that occurred, but I was very pleased with the result nonetheless. I was surprised that the canvas stiffened back up once it was dry, but I was happy about it because it made stitching the four corners together very easy.

Nouveau Needle Cushion 4

Once I got it stuffed and the last stitch stitched, I was immediately head over heels for this piece! Its absolutely the perfect project, and I will now have to always have some sort of needlepoint project going so I have an excuse to have it out! I love it!

Nouveau Needle Cushion 5

If you don’t have Needleworks Notebook

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, you really must get it! It makes a great gift, too!

Happy stitching!



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Olivia Jane Handcrafted