My Growing Gathering

My Gathering Flowers quilt is growing. My first week yielded three blocks so I only have 33 to go.  

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 Rather than taking this quilt in phases like I would normally do (cutting all the fabric then piecing all blocks and so on), I’m planning and cutting each block as I go. It makes for slower work, but since I am working with precious fabric and such a limited quantity, I want to be very intentional about cutting and sewing. I don’t want any waste! I also want to savor the process because as they say, “the best things in life are worth waiting for”. 

I absolutely love each block. 

I’m trying to store away memories as I work through this quilt block by block. Certainly the most notable part of my week was attending the funeral of my (adopted) grandmother. She was a woman so full of beauty, grace, and elegance, and I loved stitching something beautiful as I thought about her this week.   

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 We will start up our school year next week, so as my time becomes more occupied with school, my stitching time will have to become even more intentional. I know the process of sewing each block will become more precious to me as I carve out little moments to plan, cut, pin, and sew. And you know what? I don’t even mind that. I love that when we are occupied with the busyness of life, we have to seek out what we value with even more vigor. It deepens the value of those things and also shows what is important. As someone who struggles with managing it all, I hope I can find a good balance. I’m not one of those super women who can do it all so perfectly while maintains a smile and keeping everyone happy, I confess. 

How do you go about managing your time? Are you a planner with a system or do you take life on with a sense of spontaneity? I would love to hear what works for you. 


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted