Michelle, My Belle #5 : Liberty!

I love Liberty of London. I love Alexia Abegg’s Michelle, My Belle dress too! I think that’s why after making one with Liberty, its difficult for me to think of combining the pattern with another fabric.


This time I used a favorite print that may be more suited for Spring, but this is Southwest Florida, and we basically only have one season, so I’m justifying it.


Like all my other lined clothing, I’ve used my most favorite Free Spirit solid voile to line this My Belle dress. I really just need a few bolts of it! I hope they never stop making it, or I’ll be in real trouble.


The one thing I did change up on this version is the length. I shortened it 2″ so it would have a less formal feel to it. While I do love it, I’ll probably keep my normal length on my next one.


I could make this dress over and over. And I guess since this is number five, that’s what I’m doing. Its that good though! If you haven’t done so, and I can’t imagine why you haven’t, you really must pick up a copy of Liberty Love

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Its one of my most favorite sewing books because it contains useful projects. And not all sewing books are created equal, so I think its something when I come across a book full of projects I would actually make.

Liberty Love

I can’t wait to show you the newest addition to Layla’s wardrobe tomorrow! Have a great Labor Day! Do you have any special plans? We’re going to watch Aunt Emilee ride her horse in our small town parade.

Have a beautiful day!


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