A month or so ago, we were facing the beginning of a very long break from our community days at school, which are welcome days every week because that time gets us all out of the house and around friends who are working through the same things we are. I always find the time refreshing because it gives me the perspective I need- okay, so my kids are just doing what other kids their ages do, and they are right on track, as I am so frequently plagued with guilt and second guessing if I am doing enough or being too hard or if I’m the only one with children that don’t want to sit and learn everyday. It gives my children time to express themselves in front of their peers and learn to interact in a group as they give presentations, and learn all the subjects, and participate in science experiments and art projects. And they get to play with kids their own age, which is of just as much importance as everything else.
Well that break lasts a long, long time- a whole 7 weeks. But the grind of learning at home does not stop, and it leaves the children very antsy. Things get loud really fast, and it doesn’t take long for the bickering over every little thing
to begin, and then seem to never end. I hate being a referee. No, this time we were going to nip that right in the bud. Layla had been asking me to teach her to knit for a while, so the two of us sat down with some yarn and a circular needles, and I taught her how to knit and purl. She picked it up very quickly, and in a short amount of time she had made most of a hat. I did the crown portion for her since it can get a little tricky, but aside from casting on, that’s all I had to do.
She used some yarn I already had here Purl Soho Line Weight in Super Pink which was held double for the cuff then as a single strand paired with a single strand of Rhichard Devrieze Thede
in Morning Mist for the body of the hat. I think it looks just like ice cream and sprinkles!
It ended up being a little big, but that’s just part of the learning experience. We’ll go smaller next time. The important thing is, she is very proud of her accomplishment, and I’m proud of her for sitting down and learning something new. She’s very creative, and I’m happy she has another outlet in which to express herself. Her grandparents sent her a gift card to Purl Soho for Christmas and she was able to order four more skeins of yarn. She’s actually going to be casting on her next project today in some pretty Linen Quill. I’m looking forward to watching her grow in her new craft!
And concerning the atmosphere of our house, our (my) goal of having a more peaceful household is certainly a work in progress. A lot of the time, I feel like the peaceful part has been a total failure until my husband gets home and they all behave like cherubs, and I look like a woman about to lose my mind. Its something we have to purposely put into practice everyday, but I can say with certainty that giving the children something but fun and creative is a great thing. Layla and I will knit on the couch while the boys work on puzzles (my youngest can sit and do puzzles for hours on end!) Some days I get out the paint and watercolor paper and the kids will sit at the table for the longest time creating masterpieces, and in those moments they are cheering each other on in their own unique painting styles. I love it. My next goal is to get them as excited about reading as they are about other things. But that’s going to take some time.
I hope today finds you warm and well, and enjoying your hump day. I’ll see you back here Friday with a new dress!
Layla, your hat is wonderful! I love the colors you used and the pompom on top – every hat should have one. My daughter is 4 1/2 and just learning how to knit by making a scarf with her grandmother. I’ll show her the hat you made. I wish you many happy years of knitting and creating.
Thank you so much, Anne! She is so proud of her hat, and just loves that pom! She loves this new craft of hers, and I’m sure your daughter will be so thrilled to work and create too! Layla is trying out her own scarf this time around too!
Great job Layla! It sure is a beauty! I would love to pay you to make me one! Let me know if that interests you!☺️
Layla would love to make you a hat, Lisa! She couldn’t even believe you would want HER work! You made her day.