FREE Sewing with Kids Project : Patriotic Wall Hanging

FREE sewing with kids wall hanging fourth of July
Today I have a project featured in Janome’s Kids Sewing Camp 2018. Layla and I sat down and sewed up this wall hanging for the Fourth of July with materials we found around our house. If you have a couple hours and willing kid, why not sew up a patriotic project to use year after year? Even if you aren’t a kid anymore, this is a fantastic project and its so quick to make!

You can download the FREE project right HERE

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free sewing with kids patriotic wall hanging project fourth of July

If you make one, tag us on instagram @thefooshe !

-Meredith Daniel

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted