Art Student Tote

I’ve been using a tote from Target as my everyday bag for quite some time. It used to be a lovely mustard color, but is blue tinted now thanks to my super dark jeans that dye everything they come into contact with. Besides its generally ratty appearance, the button ripped right out of it, rendering it completely useless to anyone who would care at all about their appearance. So Saturday evening after work I knew I needed to get out my Art Student Tote pattern from Anna Maria and make myself a replacement everyday bag.


Its worth noting that for once I had every single material I needed to complete this bag on hand with zero planning involved. This is a first and probably the only time that will ever happen. So there. It has been recorded.


I ordered two half yards of Anna Maria’s new linens to sample, and I was able to use one of them for the exterior of the tote! How awesome is that? I used a great basic print from LouLouThi for the trim and interior of the bag.


The straps took a really long time to make, but I didn’t care at all because Layla went to bed at her usual 7:30 bed time and Justin went to bed shortly after and I had the whole night to myself. IT ROCKED! I think I was able to complete the whole bag from cutting to finishing in only three hours.


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I just love this bag! In my tired state, and even though I read through the directions prior to beginning, I still managed to have a mess up. I boxed the corners that were not supposed to be boxed! After a little Instagram pep talk with some friends, I was assured that boxing the corners was actually better

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for the bag if I wanted more room. So even though I made a mistake, I am very happy with the way the bag has turned out, and I would box the corners again if I could have a do over.


and here’s Layla asking Aunt Emilee to take a picture of her lollipop


That’s all for today! I’ve got to get back to quilting the stems on my Feather Bed Quilt! I’m growing impatient to use it.

Have a good evening!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted