Winter’s floral dress

On the few days leading up to Christmas, I had a gap in my commissions (one that I put there), and I took full advantage of the time to make new dresses for Layla and I for Christmas. They totally coordinate, and I ended up using leftover bits from my dress to create some contrast on hers. winter floral liberty dress

Long sleeved dresses are something the two of us seem to be lacking (nothing like a change in seasons to expose holes in your wardrobe!), so it seemed like a good time to start rectifying the situation. I began with the basic bodice block from the Building Block Dress book, and went from there. First, I shortened the bodice by about two inches, then drafted a two piece bodice to incorporate the yoke. I made and attached the ruffle, then went on to fully line the bodice with voile. winter floral liberty dress

This vintage Liberty print is actually on a poplin base, so it has more body than lawn. Because of this, I didn’t feel it was necessary to line the skirt. I did forego pockets because of time, but I should have put them in because she keeps reaching down at her sides to find the pockets. oops. winter floral liberty dress

I used the sleeve from the Oliver + S Buttoned Up Shirt

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simply because I already had the pattern piece cut out for another project. I lengthened the sleeve by about 3″ to account for not having a cuff there, and chose to insert elastic into the sleeve hem instead. I thought it was a very feminine look. The sleeve on my dress is the same. winter floral liberty dress

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winter floral liberty dress

The deep green trim on her dress is a beautiful crepe from France that I purchased from Jones & Vandermeer. The Liberty poplin was also purchased there. I love that our dresses worked so perfectly for Christmas, but they aren’t sooo festive that they will look out of place at any other point during the winter months. This is good because I plan on us getting plenty of wear out of them all season long. winter floral liberty dress

I’m considering doing a tutorial to show you how to do a ruffled yoke like this one. Is that something you would be interested in seeing? Its easy peasy. winter floral liberty dress

I’m excited to show you my coordinating dress. Hopefully I’ll have photos to post by the beginning of the week. 

winter floral liberty dressThis post does contain a couple links to Amazon which are affiliate links (same price as always, but I get some pocket change toward keeping my blog going).

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. 2019 is already shaping up to be a busy year, but I’m looking forward to it! I’m excited to fill it with more floral garments, hand stitched quilts, and anything else my awesome clients come up with.

See you back here next week.


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted