I think we can all relate the life things not going as we hope, plan, or expect. I suppose looking at it optimistically, one would point out that the unexpected things are what make life interesting and help us to grow. I didn’t plan to ever spend eight weeks apart from my best friend and husband, but here we are six weeks in and I think I’ve discovered we can handle more than I would have thought if we didn’t have to be in this position. It’s helped me to not be fearful when he is away, and it’s also made me fall in love with him all over again. I miss all these things I’ve taken for granted. In this regard, I’ve definitely realized many of my own shortcomings and I appreciate the opportunity to grow and improve, even though I don’t necessarily love the situation.
Sewing, even thought much of what I do is “work” to help the family, is my respite from the life things. I find the process of making very therapeutic, but also such a great outlet for creativity. When I’ve tried to clean or teach the children something and it’s just not sticking, I can sew a line of stitches and know that if I did it correctly it is at least going to stay that way. And it’s going to become something more. I’m so very thankful for sewing in all it’s forms!
Even sewing isn’t foolproof, however. Such was the case with the New Year’s dress I dreamed up for Layla using Liesl Gibson’s fabulous new book, “Building Block Dress
“. I had grand plans of pairing some sweet rose gold sequined fabric with this beautiful black rayon crepe from Jones & Vandermeer. I drew up a dress with a sequined bodice and open back, circle skirt, and long puffed sleeves. Sounds adorable, right?
Layla thought so too until it was finished and wanted to know where the back of the dress was. I quickly realized that for the first time ever, I made something Layla does not care for, and probably won’t wear very often.
But I learned something. My child needs a complete outfit. No open backs. I am wondering if I could get away with a heart cutout…. Maybe if I make one for myself first?
So there you have it. Even in our “happy places” things don’t always turn out like we want. But we can move on and apply what we learn in the future, and I’d say that makes it worth the trouble.
Why did I even post this? Because I’m sick of the picture perfect social media faćade. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. And that’s okay! It’s okay to aim for perfect, and we ought to put our best foot forward in all things, but recognize that failures are growing opportunities.
On another note, I apologize for the scattered posting. I am packing daily and getting ready to head north, so do bear with me in the next couple of weeks. I still have some great things to share!
Great post, Mere! The dress is darling, and it’s great that you have a open heart to hear your daughter, even after you went through the time, energy and cost to make it. I appreciate and am personally encouraged in my own motherhood by your candor.
I love this post. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that the best lessons in life are often learned the hard way…so thank you for the reminder!
I am very encouraged by your post. I am just getting ready to make my first blog post. During the sermon on Sunday a very important point was made: “Flaunt your imperfections” None of us are perfect!