I have taken a week off of here for two reasons. The first is that we were out of town for a week and I didn’t have a computer. The second is that I knew I wanted to return with this post, and I just didn’t know the words to write. I still don’t feel like I have adequate words, but the time has come, so I will do my very best.
Most of you know this past several months has been a trying time for my family. My husband was laid off, my machine completely died, and we have just struggled with life handing us some trials. I’m not going to hang on this because frankly I want to let it all go and that’s totally not the focus. I do think its necessary to remember these things though, because they make the blessings even greater than they already are.
About two weeks ago, I was checking my business email and I had an email from a woman expressing that she really liked my blog. She found me through the Super Online Sewing Match and had been following since. She took a special interest in our family situation (that my husband was without work, we have two kids and another on the way, and I have been trying to help our financial situation with my sewing and custom work), and she offered to do the most extraordinary thing. She gave me a list of machines and said, “pick one” and she would have it sent out right away.
You can imagine my surprise at reading these words. In my mind I’m thinking, “can this be real?” “how can anyone possibly be so generous and thoughtful?” and so many other feelings of shock and amazement.
While my jaw was still on the ground, and I had hardly begun to process this, FedEx pulls up to my house. I had only begun my response to this very kind woman, when I stopped to see what was being delivered, knowing that I hadn’t ordered anything.
I opened the door to see a large box. I picked it up and brought it inside and opened it. There was a note from a very dear friend saying it was a gift. Inside was a brand new, shiny Janome serger. I was so overcome at this point, I just sat down and started sobbing.
Are you with me? These two completely separate things happened within a very short time of each other. On the same day. I had to call my husband and do the cry-talk on the phone to reason all of it out. Like how was this day so awesome?
Anyway, my Janome Magnolia arrived soon after, and I’m now the proud owner of everything I need (and more!) to sew garments and quilts and anything else. I spent the night reading the manual through for the serger and made a swimsuit the following day. My first project on the Magnolia was patching ridiculously large holes on my husband’s pants. But don’t worry, I’ve already moved onto a much more fun project, which I’ll be showing you in a few days!
I’ve said this in many posts over the past several months, and I do mean it, using Layla’s Hello Kitty machine, and even Justin being laid off and working temp jobs and odd jobs here and there has taught us so well that life is NOT normal, and there is no such thing. Its about adapting and finding how to thrive with what you are given. Its about being content with what you have and where you are at. Its not always fun, but there is always something to be glad about. The Lord must have known I needed many months of this lesson over and over, because let me tell you, I could not be more overwhelmed with gratitude to have these machines. More than that, I am so thankful for this community I’m a part of that has such supportive people. You guys have left me the most encouraging comments, you’ve emailed me, texted me, and just sent things because you wanted to. I know for certain I haven’t done one thing to deserve that. So to you two ladies who have given me these extraordinary gifts, to you who follow along here or on Instagram, to all of you who give me so much support, THANK YOU
. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you.
I know I haven’t done this justice, but I do hope you feel my gratitude.
I have no words. God is so amazing and these ladies were angels. You are worthy of all the love showered on you!
AWEsome Meredith. God is great.
Also can I say…you must really like Janome even though they were such poopers to you when your $$$$ machine konked out. Now that’s loyalty.
How wonderful! Bless the Lord. He cares about every little detail ; )
I know the Lord will bless these two women
God is good. And those two women are truly “being the good”. Wishing your husband the best of luck in the job search.
I loved reading this! I don’t think it could have happened to a kinder person.
Oh, this is such a great post! I am so happy to hear that you have these new machines. What a blessing to be on the receiving end of such generosity! I hope those two lovely ladies who gifted you the machines feel very blessed, too. I know you will make amazing things with them.
Wow – you really were blessed. I love seeing what you make and what you will be able to do now. I know how hard it is when your husband is out of work – my husband had three redundancies in two years!! Luckily he is employed now and I work part time also.
you deserve it!!!!
This is so amazing. I hadn’t checked in for a while (you know how life gets) and I am so glad to hear that there are generous people in the world and that you will be able to retire the Hello Kitty machine to it’s rightful owner ;) You totally deserve it! I cannot wait to see what amazing creations you make using these machines.
This is such a lovely and incredibly story. I found your blog through Oliver and S and love the quilt you have made with liberty squares. Will be back to see more.
I just love this. The Lord is so good and He gives good gifts! I know for a fact those two friends of yours are blessed to be a conduit of God’s love and blessings to you. I’m so glad you shared about this here.