Top Knot Romper

When I buy fabric, I almost always have a plan in mind for it’s use. Those plans don’t always come to fruition, but I am well intentioned nevertheless. I picked up a cut of Fornasetti Forest from DuckaDilly about a year ago with the plan of making a romper for Layla. I imagined a short sleeved top and pants, so I picked up some Kaufman railroad denim to pair with it. 

The last couple of times I have made rompers for Layla, she has outgrown them at warp speed because she has a long torso like her mother. Sooo that sort of scared me off for a while. But when I found the Tip Top Dress

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, I also discovered the Top Knot Romp by Chalk and Notch (a new-to-me pattern designer). It seemed to have a looser fit than rompers I’ve made in the past, and I liked the options it included for pants/shorts/skirt and long and short sleeve options. 

I didn’t have enough of the Railroad Denim on hand for the full length pants, so I made the shorts version which is perfect for summer. 

The drop length of the crotch is pretty dramatic. I’ll definitely make that smaller and just lengthen the leg portion next time, because it’s just too droopy for me. 

I do love the rest of the outfit! The tropical fabric is loud and green and so awesome. I love a bold print (and silly Layla faces). 

Layla loves that it’s roomy and great for playtime. There’s no slowing this child down, so it’s essential that the clothes can handle her activity. 

I’ve been dreaming of this project for a very long time and I’m happy that it’s finally a reality. It feel so good to get fabric off the shelf and into the closet for wear. 

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It’s a fun pattern and pretty easy to make. The directions for the sleeve cuffs caused a bit of a hang up but I got past it. I think I’m going to try the full length version next time! 

I hope you had a great weekend. We had the best I can remember. Justin was home all weekend, and even had yesterday off which is a very new concept (having holidays off). We hiked to a waterfall, we played outside, we watched movies, and ate too much dessert. It was pretty close to perfect. I love Tennessee. 

I also made some bags, my first batch of Liberty + cork patchwork bags of the year. I’ll be having a sale tomorrow on Instagram if you are interested. My handle is @thefooshe 

Happy Tuesday! 


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