
Well Christmas is only 5 days away. I think I just realized that. I still have a few things that need to be done, so I’ve been in high gear for the past few days. Except yesterday. Yesterday I just watched in awe as my new flooring was laid. I feel like that was allowed.

So I’ve been working on a sort of secret project.


This is the binding that will be going on that secret project. I so love the Amy Butler print!


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I added a couple of Liberty prints to my slowly growing stash. Here’s all I have of that. I’d love to collect as many prints as possible over the next few years and use them in a quilt. I’m in no hurry though. And neither is my bank account.

Liberty of London

Now I know this will be a shock, but I picked up a couple of Anna Maria’s new rayon fabrics. These will become dresses for me. Layla is so outdoing me in the apparel department, I really need to try to catch up. Also, it seemed like a good excuse to buy the fabric.


Last, I went out and replaced my small embroidery hoop that snapped. I opted for a plastic one this time, and was assured it is quite sturdy. I know I’ll be getting a ton of use out of it, so I hope it will hold up!


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I hope this post finds you having a beautiful day.


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted