Time for you, Time for me

I have no idea why, but Thursdays always seem to run the same way. They are sort of my blah days. You know, the day in the middle[ish] of the week when I’ve completed my major tasks, and am procrastinating the start of my other tasks. I have, however, begun working on some massage ball holders for a local spa. Basically, they are cases for two tennis balls that are tied at either end and in the middle, and they are used on either side of your neck vertebrae. Atleast that is what I’m told.

I should point out here that the one I have pictured for you here is not finished. And I didn’t have ribbon to use for the ties, so I just used thread to demonstrate how they will look. In addition, I still have to finish the edges on this one. But I think you can picture in your mind what these will look like. I thought it looked like candy in a wrapper, but Emilee thought it looked like boobs. So I guess there are many ways to look at it. LOL.

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It is a fairly straightforward project, and I’m looking forward to completing about 28 of them tomorrow. Its definitely one of those great projects, that while not overly exciting, I’m happy that I will be getting a check upon completion. And anyone who makes things for others knows what a great feeling of satisfaction one feels once paid by a customer. For those who are not a part of the handmade community, that’s not shallow as much as it is a feeling of knowing that the work you have done is actually for a purpose.

For this evening, I’m actually taking a break and enjoying some family time at Panera. Then once Layla is in bed I can get back to needlepointing. I can’t wait to give you and update of my progress next week! I’m finally getting to a point where I’m separating my time from business time. I find that when I let them run together, I do enjoy either aspect to the degree I should. By allotting the proper amount of time for both, I have work time, and me time. And that’s just the way I like it.

I hope you have a wonderful evening!


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