Thoughts for the New Year

I’m so ready for 2013. I think my new flooring really got me in the spirit of making things around here ‘new and fresh’. With that little change has come a spark that is quickly growing into a need to revamp my outlook for this new year. I’m ready for a fresh start in so many ways.


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2012 was both wonderful and terrible. It was encouraging and frustrating. I was the recipient of so much generosity from others, it’s truly humbling. It was such an up and down year. I’m wishing 2013 will bring me my hopes and dreams from 2012. I’m hoping I can show kindness to others in the ways it has been shown to me, and be happy for those who seem to have an abundance of what I lack. I’m hoping I can grow in those areas that I don’t like about myself. I’m hoping that I will be a better mother to Layla and wife to Justin. I’m hoping I will be a blessing to others, and honor my Father in Heaven.

What better way to start off this year of new hopes and dreams than with a new project? Its actually something I came up with in 2011 (I think), but I decided it needed to be made a reality now. Some bold and bright colors are the perfect way to usher in the new year, I believe.


Here’s to 2013 being the best year yet.


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