This day is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Oh I’m so excited about today. I woke up with the determination that I was going to accomplish something today. In only a few hours, I had cut out and pieced together this quilt top with Amy Butler’s home decor Love line. I’ve had this fabric forever, just waiting for the perfect time to use it. I decided I’d get a few months head start on a birthday gift for a certain somebody, and now that the top is done, I have months to think about the handquilting. I love that!

This cheerful quilt is a great throw size at 50″ x 60″. I know my friend is going to love it!

What else makes this day awesome? Well only the fact that I got four packages in the mail today!

First we have the long awaited needlepoint bolster kit from Anna Maria Horner. I had wanted this kit for my birthday, but had to wait a few extra weeks. Let me tell you, it was worth the wait. I’m so thrilled to tackle this project, but am having to discipline myself to finish my other “by hand” projects before getting into this one.

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You can find this bolster and Anna Maria’s other needlepoint kits in her shop.

Next I got this precious bundle of fabric from Heather Ross’s Far Far Away line from Bloomerie. I have adored these particular prints since the moment I laid eyes on them. They immediately brought back memories of me standing outside Emilee‘s room listening to her playing with her horses (her very favorite thing) and trying to conjure up a plan to get her to drop the horses and play Barbies with me. I always needed to be entertained, while my poor younger sister didn’t need me at all to have a perfectly good time. This fabric is so her.

The other two packages I received contained fabric for my Echo Swoon quilt. I decided to mix in some coordinating solids, which I think will mesh beautifully with the prints from the line. The Kona Solids are Snow, Sage, and Amber, and they were purchased from Sew Modern.

I also got backing for the quilt and I was just thrilled to find a whole cut of Miora in Catalina from Sew Fresh Fabrics on Etsy.

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Its so stinking hard to find all the prints from Echo now. It only came out five months ago, and already the fabric is a rarity. I do hope Windham will reprint the line, as Echo is clearly such a favorite to so many people.

That’s all I have to report for today. I do hope it wasn’t terribly boring, as it was just wonderful for me!

Have a productive weekend!


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