I should have titled this post: “Hawthorne Threads gets all my money”. It probably would have been more appropriate. I just cannot resist their fabric! But I promise, the package I got today is not all for me.
I got a few fabrics from Dear Stella’s Petal Pusher line for some massage ball cases that I’m making for a local spa. I think these fabrics will be perfect. Also, isn’t that floral amazing? I’m hoping I’ll get my fill of it working with it this go round, otherwise I may have to stash a yard of it. Wouldn’t that be terrible?
I also got a yard of a solid voile to make a few pillows to go on our bed. We really need something to complement our new bed quilt. I’m thinking I may pull out my new Renaissance Ribbons for this project!
The Little Folks is simply to feed my fabric obsession. Its one of those lines that is always going to be awesome, so I’m trying to stash a yard or so of each print for future use. I’m getting there. I like Little Folks like many people like Liberty, so I think I’m kind of excused to order what I want.
This weekend I’m really going to try to finish up a quilt I’m working on, then next week I have a few little projects I’m excited to tackle from some books that have been collecting dust. Tsk tsk! I’ve taken on so many big projects lately, that I’ll will be relieved to have a week of just doing some simple projects that I can accomplish in a day or two.
Also, I took some time last night to organize my stash. Prior to that, most of my personal fabric [as opposed to fabric bought for Olivia Jane Handcrafted]
had been in boxes. I always thought my stash was pretty tiny, but now I’m beginning to realize its not as small as I had previously thought. Now that I have plenty to work with, I’m finding myself reluctanct to cut into it and “get rid of it”. I know I wouldn’t actually be getting rid of it, as it would simply be taking on another form, becoming whatever I chose to make with it, but AGH! Its just so beautiful to look at so neatly stacked with its coordinating fabrics. I know I’m being kind of a dork, and I just need to get over it and make something I will forever treasure. I guess its just that I feel a connection to the fabrics I stash, and I don’t want to make something just for the purpose of making something. I want that fabric to become something I’m as passionate about as the fabric itself. So for now, I suppose it will sit there in all its goodness, just waiting for the right inspiration to strike.
I’ll leave you with that on this stormy Saturday evening. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
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