
I’m back today to show you my latest custom quilt, and gosh, I really really loved making it. Let me show you!

My client commissioned me to make this quilt for a brand new baby named Hudson who was named for the Hudson River and Valley. It holds significant meaning for the parents who first met on Hudson Street in New York and of course love the Hudson River park and valley which extends from the City to the top of the state.

When I was researching the Hudson, I was struck by the beauty of various places along the river in the fall. Truly, the colors are just awe inspiring, and I wanted to capture that in this quilt. I used a variety of Cotton + Steel basics and a few of Alison Glass’ Insignia basics to achieve the colors I was aiming for- bright fall leaves intermingled with some grays for a nod to New York City. I also wanted to pay a big tribute to his name by making the Hudson River the focal point of the quilt running right through the colors of the earth.

I appliquéd the Hudson River which was used from a map, so it is to scale if New York were 42″ long. ha! I love using the appliqué function of my Janome M100. As you’ve seen in countless projects in the past, I used my favorite stitch #30 to secure the Hudson to the quilt top. I always reinforce the fabric with interfacing then stick it down with Wonder Under for super durability.

Of course it is hand quilted. Its not like I do anything else, as you know if you’ve been here any length of time. I just love the look and texture of hand quilting with Perle cotton, and also the time and care that goes with it. I began by outlining the Hudson, and then filled the background with a diagonal crosshatch design. I used royal blue because I really wanted to make the blue of the river pop.

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The backing is a very favorite print from Anna Bond’s latest collection, Amalfi, which features different landmarks from around the globe. I just love it! So much, in fact, that I also used it for curtains for my boys’ room. More on that later!

Its bound using my very handy Picture Perfect Binding method

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and with another Cotton + Steel basic, Sprinkle in Anna Blue.

I feel like I’ve said it time and again, but I love doing custom work. I don’t know if there’s anything more fulfilling as an artist than to have someone approach me and want me to design and make something for themselves or as a gift. I know a lot of quilters loathe making commissions because they don’t feel its worth it for one reason or another, but seriously, its a huge privilege to me. Its not just a thing. Its not just a gift they bought at a store. It was an array of materials that I cut and I sewed together and spent many hours creating that will hopefully be cherished for years to come. I feel like that holds even more significance for a baby, a new life! I may sound a little dramatic, but I’m being perfectly honest. Its kind of the coolest ever. I don’t know Hudson, but I got to play a part in making something really special for him, and that I don’t think you can put a price tag on. I make it a point not to undervalue my work and my time, but I can tell you that the times when I invest a lot more than I expected into a project and make the same amount is alright, because I love doing this. Can there be more fulfillment than this for an artist?

Anyway, I’ve been staying busy with commissioned work so unfortunately that means I don’t get to blog as often as I’d like, but it thrills me at the same time because I like making a paycheck. It feels good to contribute actual money because mom-ming doesn’t pay the bills. (and we all know that’s because you can’t put a price on raising kiddies)

The boys in my family are heading out this weekend for their inaugural camping trip with some church friends, so Layla has asked me if we can use that time to sew. I didn’t have to think long about that before giving a resounding yes! She asked if we could make a bigger quilt and if I would teach her to make clothes, so we will attempt to do as much as we can, and I’ll be sure to share with you next week.

Finally, if you are not following me on Instagram (@thefooshe) do look me up! I plan on doing a super duper, limited edition batch of Liberty bags with the most gorgeous deer tan leather. I sell there because its quick, easy, and there are no fees. I bought a hide recently for a custom bag, and I couldn’t resist making some more for Mother’s Day and end of the year teacher’s gifts.

Thanks for dropping by!


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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted