Frances in Liberty

I’ve decided to wait until I have more baby related things to show before posting about the whole cloth quilt I made. In the mean time, I want to share with you some garments I’ve made to wear after the baby makes his arrival (hopefully this week sometime!)

I was gifted several absolutely stunning cuts of Liberty from their new season range for Christmas. The particular print I’ve used for the dress I’m showing you today is one that I’ve been waiting for for since I first saw a swatch of it at Spring Market! Its called Small Paradise C. I remember taking a picture and begging my sweet friend from Jones and Vandermeer to include it in her order. She was super awesome to do just that, and now I’ve turned that fabric into a classic, but also very nursing friendly dress using the Frances Dress pattern from Green Bee Design. 

 This dress came together so quickly. In fact, in the time it took to cut out to sewing on the very last button, it took less than a day to complete! And being a shirt dress, it looks more complex than that, so I can really appreciate this pattern. 

 Alexia Abegg is a brilliant pattern writer and designer, and always puts things together in such a sensical way. The garment flows together easily and has a clean finish. Instead of finishing my pieces prior to beginning as she suggests (which is brilliant), I used French seams throughout. I love the look of French seams on just about anything, but they seem especially appropriate on a fine fabric such as lawn. 

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    Can we just talk about these buttons for a moment? I see people with cool or super professional looking buttons on social media and I always wonder where they are finding them. The best I can seem to do is running up to Joann’s or Hancock’s for the plainest ones they stock. No more, I say! I added several of these bronze buttons to my order a while back, and now I feel a strong urge to always have a good supply of them on hand because they are perfection! 

    I so wish I was wearing this dress and modeling it for you! I’m sort of glad I made it with so little time before little man’s birthday because waiting is making me crazy! I have it hanging up on my closet door, so I see it every time I walk into my room. I’m *hoping* to wear it home from the hospital paired with my stomach cinching Blanqi tights, but I will bring a backup just in case my rear end has grown more than I expect. That’s what happened last time. :) 

 As I said, this is one of several stunning cuts of fabric given to me for Christmas. I made another nursing friendly top Sunday afternoon with one of those fabrics, and I’m excited to show it off to you tomorrow! The fabric is so whimsical and fun, and I just love it!

I hope this post finds you having a wonderful first week of February!

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