Cosmetics Bag

Its our anniversary this week. We’ll be heading out for a mini getaway to celebrate. A few days ago I was having one of those I-just-need-to-get-something-done days. I also wanted to complete something I could use, so I looked through my pins and found this

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I followed the tutorial from Sew4Home and I now have my own cosmetics bag. There was not a thing wrong with the one I already had, other than it was kind of ugly. It actually holds significantly more than my new one, but I like it all the same.

I was thrilled to be able to use my last piece of this floral AMH LouLouThi fabric which I complemented with more AMH fabric (I bet you didn’t see that coming). I also mixed in a bit of gray. Gray is the perfect bride to LouLouThi!

I even used an AMH print for the lining. It is my all time favorite purple print!

For whatever reason, I went all out (all out for Meredith, that is). I typically like using white thread except for when I’m sewing on binding by hand. That’s just my style. For this bag, I don’t think I used a single bit of white thread. No, I even did some egdestitching on this with one color on the bobbin and another on top! I am so rebellious.

And to complete my cosmetics bag of rebellion, I used a not-white zipper. That’s right people. It’s aqua. And I LOVE it. Sure, I would love if it was larger and had a little more structure, but it is one good looking bag, and I’m going to use it until I wear it out, darn it. This fabulous zipper is from ZipIt on Etsy, by the way. That is really the only way to buy zippers!

The tutorial was good, but I have to say, the updated tutorial is even better. If you haven’t done much sewing or you would just like a really easy time of making your own cosmetics bag, I highly recommend using the updated tutorial here.

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Well that’s all for today. Be sure to check out the tuturial!



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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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